Friday, November 16, 2007

Defeating Global Warming - the Essential thread
Various | Various | DaveLoneRanger

Posted on 12/19/2004 8:20:27 PM PST by DaveLoneRanger

The following is the result of a biology class in human ecology that I took this past semester (Fall 2004) as a freshman in college. The assignment was to gather ten articles and write some commentaries about them, challenging the ideas, presenting alternative ideas, or offering original thoughts. It was entirely my idea to make the journal focus primarily on global warming, particularly as a result of the bio teacher, and how greenie “we’re killing the earth” type stuff she was believing in. (She wasn’t necessarily a sniveling liberal, or a fringe kook, I believe she sincerely believed what she taught, but the poor lady needed some antidepressants)

Like I said, the goal was to have ten articles. I began delving into the assignment, and the end result was approximately thirty-six articles, most of them relating to global warming. Some were not, and some were pro-global warming sites that I offered mild, amateur criticism of which probably isn’t good enough to use.

I mentioned this project to a few Freepers who were interested in it, so I took the time to put this together into a Freep-worthy format. The idea is for it to be the ultimate arsenal of anti-global warming/environmentalist wackos/greenie kooks who think we’re raping mother earth because we drive a Suburban. Please feel free to add to this, and hopefully both now and long after my children’s children are dead, people will look for global warming research (or perhaps global cooling will be the thing by then) and Freepers will give them this page and tell them that all they ever need was compiled by wise old Dave, who went on to be a Senator, Lawyer, and successful talk radio host before he died.

Note: Many of these articles were researched and printed out from campus computers, and so the only link I can find is the URL listed at the bottom of the page, which may or may not be complete. Most of them are, some of them are not, and some of them appear to be complete, but could be missing some end letters. If the link does not work for you, the information I give on the page should be enough to locate the article through Google or Yahoo.

“Earth’s Fidgeting Climate - Is human activity warming the earth, or do recent signs of climate change signal natural variation?”

“Global Warming Bombshell” (The above article appeared already on Free Republic, and I’m copying the date from the page I printed it out on, so the URL might perhaps be incomplete)

“Ice Shelf breakup challenges researchers”

(This article was somewhat pro-global warming, so I offer my commentary for balance:

The Global climate change theory states that the world is slowly warming up. The result of warming up would be growing warmth in the oceans. This would cause more evaporation, causing more precipitation, even in arctic areas. If the ice shelf is growing thin enough to break up, does this not mean that it is not receiving enough continuous precipitation to build itself up slowly as it has been for decades and centuries? Could not the affect of warmer water be cancelled out by precipitation?

The article indicates that the ice shelf break-off and renewal process has been going on for at least a hundred years.

I’m glad this article brings up the subject of how far back the temperature measurements (an indicator of whether or not global climate change could in fact be an extremely long-term warming/cooling trend) go. And it doesn’t hold too well, regardless of how warm it was in December 2001.

The article states that computer models do not find a pattern of warming in the Antarctic Peninsula. But computer models are obviously not the most reliable in the world, in light of the “J-curve” evidence being disproved.)

“Ozone Hole ‘Set to Shrink’”

“Oil Drilling in Alaska” Sarah Anderson, (not particularly relating to global warming, but it is related to oil drilling in Alaska)

“Glaciers Shrink, But Some Resist Global Warming” I remembered Rush talking about this article, absurdly presenting global warming as fact by attesting to the fact that some glaciers were NOT melting, and happily dug it up for my teacher.

“The Global Warming Scandal - The Kyoto protocol is a “brown plague”, according to Russian president’s adviser” (Previously posted on Free Republic)

“Global Warming: Not an Immediate Problem”

J. David Bethel,

“Kyoto Crashing” Wall Street Journal editorial 10/28/03 - link on page is incomplete because it’s so long, but articles like that are generally removed from archives after a while. It’s possible that someone has already posted this on Freep, and you’re welcome to check, or search for it on the web. (Since I found it in November of this year, perhaps it’s still available: google the words “Kyoto Crashing”)

“Job Advocacy Group Applauds DNC Kyoto Rejection”

“Scientists Warn Kyoto Will Barely touch Global Warming”

“New Energy Bill Would Enact Kyoto Protocol” (This article is two years old, but talks about the fundamental flaws behind Kyoto)

“Car Exhaust Slows Global Warming” (Potentially a partial link, it’s hard to tell from the page -- this one will REALLY FRY environmentalist kooks……the best solution for global warming is to rev up your SUV!)

There is more to come later, and forgive me for not having time to format the HTML - links should automatically show up.

Also check out, there's a lot to counteract liberal panic spin there.


Anonymous said...

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Journal Global Warming said...

what do you mean? sorry can you use english, because i don't know you league.